The opening week of our Spring Plant Sale begins Thursday, April 3rd thru Saturday, April 5th! Stop by our nursery from 9:00 am to 12:00 noon to shop for the beautiful trees, shrubs, perennials, and grasses that will grace your home garden.
After the first week, the Spring Plant Sale will be held from 9 am-12 noon every Tuesday through Friday.
Many of the plants have been propagated and nurtured here at Hatcher Garden. Please visit our Facebook page or check here for more information.
Proceeds from the Spring Plant Sale provide essential funding for the continual beautification and creation of colorful garden venues along the paths of Hatcher Garden.
Enjoy 10% off your plant purchase when you become a member during the sale. Members always enjoy 10% off their purchases as well as other benefits.
The Plant Sale List with been released soon.
We will also be selling African Violets and other members of the Gesneriaceae family starting on Thursday, April 3rd through Saturday, April 4th, inside the Hatcher Garden office. Former members of the African Violet Society of Spartanburg raised these delicate beauties to enhance your home. They will be sold only the first week of April or until they run out.
Can’t get to Hatcher Garden’s Spring Plant Sale during normal business hours?
A great selection of plants (Peggy’s Picks) is available for purchase at the Jess Taylor Pavilion, at the main entrance of the garden. Plants can be purchased with the honor system by placing money in the slot next to the door or scanning the PayPal QR code.