Hatcher Garden

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Who Rescues What?

(Gingko biloba)

by Dan Shook

I came in early to get back to a conversation with Julia Burnett’s ginkgo tree on the perimeter of the Park at Hatcher Garden. Before you think I’m slightly crazy, hear me out. I was discussing the environment and how I might help the state of the world for my grandchildren. I began the conversation but was interrupted and eager to get back to it. So early this morning, I continued the inquiry. How might I save the planet?

The ginkgo heard me out, paused and simply said, “I have been here a long time, and my lineage goes back thousands of years. I am a conifer and therefore one of the oldest living plant families on the planet. I have the stories of wonders long before man ever came upon my family. I was created before you and therefore you are a relatively newcomer to the planet.”

I asked in response, “What does that mean to my approach to saving the planet?” I heard the gingko say, “What it means is that instead of trying to learn how you can save me, learn how I can save you!”

A reporter asked Ronald Reagan what he said after meeting Mother Teresa. He answered, “When you meet Mother Teresa, you don’t speak. You listen.” I have met the wise ginkgo tree and will talk less and listen more. Visit Hatcher Garden for a lot of reasons but add one to the list: to listen.